Windows 11 Mobile is everything a phone operating system should be

Microsoft bet big on Windows 10 Mobile, even going so far as to buy phone giant Nokia, but up against the might of iOS and Android, it just wasn’t to be. While Windows 10 grew into a great operating system on PCs and tablets, the company was forced to abandon Windows 10 Mobile four years ago.

Windows 11 is set to arrive on the first compatible devices next month (although there will be a long wait for many users), but given the chance, would it fare any better on mobile than its predecessor did?

Microsoft hasn’t announced any plans for a mobile version of Windows 11, but concept creator Addy Visuals has put his creative abilities into imagining what the mobile OS might look like, and it’s impressive, to say the least.

The concept starts with an attractive home screen, and then reveals a tiled interface with the Windows 11 design. There’s an-all new store for apps, plus support for widgets, and the ability to multitask with split screen.

You can write and draw anything on the phone, browse the contents in File Explorer, and of course there’s a classy dark mode too.

I think it looks great, but whether I’d swap my iPhone for it is another story. What’s your view on this concept? Share your thoughts in the comments below.


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